The automobile is one of the most common ways to travel. It has brought about the growth of cities, created new industries, and altered social behavior and lifestyles. However, it also causes pollution and automobile accidents.
The scientific and technical building blocks of the automobile began to appear in the late 1800s. In the first decade of the 20th century, manufacturers introduced many changes that transformed the automobile from an expensive, high-tech luxury item to a cheap, mass-produced family car. Henry Ford innovated assembly-line production, and American companies became dominant in the industry. But manufacturers also funneled their resources into the war effort in World War II, and afterward Japanese automakers exploded on the market.
Today, there are more than 1.4 billion passenger cars in operation worldwide. In the United States, more than three trillion miles (five trillion kilometres) are driven each year. Most Americans own at least one vehicle. The automobile has become a major part of the American way of life, and it has changed the economy of America.
Automobiles are powered by a gas-fueled internal combustion engine. The basic components of a car include the body, chassis, engine, drivetrain, and power-generating system. Engineers and scientists have worked to improve the design, performance, safety, and efficiency of automobiles. They have also focused on developing new materials and computer systems.
Most historians consider Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot to have constructed the first true automobile in 1769. His steam-powered vehicle was large and heavy, but it could go at high speeds. Its disadvantages were that it took too long to start and refuel, and that it couldn’t travel very far before running out of steam.
By the end of the 19th century, many people had begun to use automobiles for personal transportation. The early “horseless carriages” were essentially buggies with engines, and they were often unreliable, expensive, and dangerous. But Ransom Olds conceived the idea of interchangeable parts and assembled-line production, allowing him to produce a more reliable, safe and economical model. When gasoline became affordable, the automobile came into wide use in America and the rest of the world.
As the automobile became more popular, it expanded freedom of movement for Americans. Families could now take road trips to remote areas to rediscover pristine natural beauty and to shop in towns and cities. Teenagers gained independence as they learned to drive. Dating couples were able to enjoy the privacy of their own vehicles and relaxed sexual attitudes. While there were drawbacks, such as traffic jams and accidents, the automobile became a symbol of the American way of life.