Relationships are a cornerstone of a healthy life. They can boost different aspects of your life like your tolerance for stress, sense of belonging, communication skills and even self esteem/confidence. Besides, relationships can help you cope with difficult situations by providing emotional support. They can also enhance your sense of meaning and purpose in life.
In a relationship, we are connected to someone else with whom we share mutual respect and understanding. This connection may take many forms: a romantic relationship, a friendship, an acquaintanceship, or an intimate family bond. Although it can seem like there is no universal definition of what a relationship is, most people would agree that a healthy relationship must be based on mutual trust and respect. It should also allow for a level of intimacy that is appropriate for the situation at hand. Moreover, it should be free of negative behaviors such as abuse and exploitation.
According to experts, a healthy relationship can make you feel happy and satisfied, and it can help you deal with life’s challenges in a positive way. In addition, it can help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. However, not all relationships are positive and supportive. Some are toxic and can have a negative impact on your health, for instance, codependent friendships or sexless marriages.
The need for human connection seems to be innate, but the ability to form healthy relationships is learned. Some researchers believe that this learning begins in infancy, during a child’s earliest experiences with a caregiver who meets the infant’s needs for food, care, warmth, protection and stimulation. The early stages of a relationship are important for the development of an individual’s personality and temperament, as well as their emotional and social skills.
Once the initial excitement wears off, and you’ve stopped staring at your phone waiting for a text response or counting down the days until you can get physical, you can start to realize that being in a relationship is hard work. Especially when it involves addressing your relationship’s unspoken and hidden challenges, or dealing with problems that have never been discussed but nevertheless exist.
In a long-term relationship, partners often begin to adjust their habits and behaviors to meet the other person’s expectations and desires. This can lead to a greater degree of closeness as the couple shares more intense personal time, and as they begin to request and grant favors of each other.
However, no matter how close and intimate you become with your partner, it is important to remember that they are still an independent individual who has their own interests, hobbies, and thoughts. If you are not able to accept this fact, you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
In a healthy relationship, both partners are treated with respect and are free to express themselves freely. If your partner has different hobbies than you, doesn’t enjoy sex as much or as frequently, or has a unique sense of humor, don’t be afraid to discuss it. Just be sure that everything is on the table, and that there are no secrets.